Ingested by God: How Earth Hangs from the Star Canopus like a Fruit from a Tree

Rani Wehbe
13 min readSep 21, 2022

Part 1:

We have always been trying to understand our place in the universe particularly through religious and scientific observations and studies, which shed inverse lights on the questions “Why” versus “How” we are alive. Similar to how an individual has both a heart and a mind, both religion and science have been battling each other on this Earth-body we call home since the beginning of time. On one hand, the abstract words of The Divine are interpreted to depict an existence of Love, gratitude, patience and Faith. On the other hand, scientific discoveries provide insight into the latter question by emphasizing the universes mathematical and preliminary forces.

However, these two questions are two sides to the same coin. The relationships found between every religion and contemporary science, seem to be derived from the same forces. Forces that have everything to do with our galaxy, the Milky Ways, celestial orbit. This article will particularly note the relationships, as oppose to the differences, between these primordial religious and contemporary scientific phenomena we as humans have come to understand, in specific, with regards to the relationship between Earth and the two brightest stars in our night sky, other than the Sun. Those stars being Sirius and Canopus.

Throughout the history of the significant religions, if not all of them, there has been a common, astronomical-based, underlying theme in which all faiths seemed to revolve around. This central theme, in specific, is observed from within the inverse relationship that the stars Sirius and Canopus coexist within. It is true that Sirius is the brightest star in our night sky, followed by Canopus, the second brightest star. Whereas Sirius is the brightest star seen from the northern hemisphere, Canopus is the brightest from the southern. However, what is not common knowledge is that Canopus and Sirius have exchanged positions being the brightest star in the night sky three times already in the last five million years, and, Canopus will again be the brightest star in about 480,000 years. Having said that, if Canopus was as close to us as Sirius is today, it would outshine any star, as the diameter of Canopus is fifty times larger than that of Sirius.

Every ancient civilization has directly observed the primordial significance and relationship between these two stars, particularly giving Canopus a more profound identity.

In ancient Mesopotamian astronomy, there are three different asterisms to which the famous Andromeda belongs. These include Apin, the asterism representing a Plough, I-IKU, the asterism representing The Field where the Plough is worked, and Anunitum, otherwise known as Ishtar, the Goddess of love and fertility. This Babylonian Three Stars Table, became known as the constellation Carinae, to which the second brightest star in the night sky, Canopus, belongs. When describing Canopus, famous naturalist R.H.Allen claims that “This is one of the most noted objects in the heavens, perhaps even so in almost prehistoric times … And he claims it as one of the temple stars associated with…​ the greatest god of the kingdom.”

In ancient Egypt, the temple of Khonsu and the Pyramids of Giza, among other temples, also made significant attributions towards Canopus and Sirius. According to Gerald S. Hawkins, in his book, On the Orientation of the Kaaba, “In Egypt, at the temple of Khonsu at Thebes, the minor axis pointed to the extreme summers New Moon crescent, and the major axis to the star Canopus. In the latter example, the Moon is aligned at its northern setting point, and Canopus also at its setting. Furthermore, according to Philip Coppens, in his book The Canopus Revelation, Humankind has misidentified the constellation Orion with the Egyptian god Osiris... Rather, it is the star Canopus that is linked with Osiris. Canopus, for Egypt, the South polar star…interplays with Sirius in such a way that ancient accounts surmised that the two stars controlled time. Canopus was specifically identified with Osirus’ Ark, where he was transformed from mere mortal to resurrected supergod. Canopus was therefore literally a stargate, where men could communicate with and aspire to become gods — and enter into other dimensions”.

In the Indian Vedic literature, the star Canopus is associated as the son of Brahma, the creator of the universe, known as Pulastya and is said to be the “cleanser of waters”.

In the Chinese Shiji records, Canopus was known as the star of Longevity and noted it to be the southern counterpart to Sirius.

The Polynesians would call Canopus the Ke Alii-o-kona-i-ka-lewa, “The chief of the southern expanse”. The Islanders also called Canopus Taurua-e-tupu-tai-nanu, “Festivity-whence-comes-the-flux-of-the-sea”, and Taurua-nui-o-te-hiti-apatoa “Great-festivity-of-the-border-of-the-south”. In addition, the Tuamotu people further called the star Te Tau-rari and Marere-te-tavahi, or in other words “He-who-stands-alone”.

In Guanche mythology, the star Canopus was linked with the primary goddess, Chaxiraxi, of the neo-pagan religion. Here, Canopus was defined as the Brilliant Star, that when linked with Sirius, has to power to even cause death and misfortune. Thus, they would pray to Sirius and Canopus to impart good fortune or skill.

According to the Old Testament, Prophet Amos glorifies God as “Him that made Kimah and Kesil” or later referenced as Orion an Canopus. There as also been reference to the Trinity, or Godhead, as being described by the three asterisms that make the Carinae constellation, of which Canopus is the largest and brightest star.

In addition to all of the previously mentioned cultures, religions and civilization, Islam, provides the clearest insight as to how Earth is directly “pointing” to this megastar Canopus.

Part 2:

Have you ever wondered why Muslims around the world pray in an enormous Spiral? The largest man-made spiral on this Earth, which is not just confined to the limits of the Masjid Al Haram in Mecca where the Holy Kaaba is orbited around, but to the furthest extent of this Earth from which the holy Kaaba is directed to when praying? In a sense, the prayers of Muslims can identify the Earth as a spiritual realm in which a spiral of consciousness is always working. Perhaps, the word spiral itself can be look at as derived from the word spirit itself. This can be backed through religion where it is noted that the Earth is indeed the largest of all churches and mosques. Just like all things which orbit in this universe, the answer, like in all the previously mentioned religions, lies within the specific alignment of the Holy Kaaba to our Sun and to the Star Canopus, let alone to the Carinae constellation.

To begin with, what is the significance of a spiral in general. Geometrically speaking, the Golden Ratio WILL be found within every possible “growing thing” in our Milky Way, let alone in other galaxies. The famous phrase “God created us in His Image” is scientifically what the Golden ratio is refering to. It is the single most abstract ratio that scientists have discovered, which define “How” God created all things within a spectrum of proportional scales. In other words, a simple Fruit, or Rose of this Earth, follows the fundamental laws that exist within our solar system, and furthermore, with in our galaxy`s orbiting nature.

The Golden Ratio, or Phi, can be defined by the number 1.618, and can be defined as the ratio found within natures proportions which explain the abstracts of growth from nothingness. Mathematically, it is equal to the sum of two adjacent sides, divided by the longer of those sides, or in other words A+B over A. When applied to the proportions of “something which grows”, most of the time, if not always, the result 1.618 will appear.

So, what are Muslims really doing when they involuntarily create an enormous Golden Ratio-based Spiral, or orbit, around the Holy Kaaba, from the furthest extents of this Earth? And what does this Spiral have to do with the megastar Canopus?

To begin with, there seems to be a direct correlation between Orbiting and Praying. In the 40th Ayah, or sentence, of the Holy Quran´s Surat Yasin, God expresses: All things in the Universe float, each in an orbit.” Or in Arabic : “…Kulun Fi Falakin Yasbahun”. The Arabic text for this Sentence in the Quran uses a literary device known as a palindrome, which means it could be read backwards in the exact same way. The arabic letters for this statement read backwards would also say Yasbahun Kulun fi falakin. In this case, Divine Knowledge, or Words of God describing the orbiting universe, are also written in their own orbit, being that even words are a part of this universe. Perhaps this is the underlying idea behind Karma itself.

The arabic word for Orbits is Yasbahun. The word Subhan-Allah, derived from Yasbahun, directly translates to “All praise belongs to Allah”. In some sense, To Orbit and to Pray are pretty much derivatives of each other. In this sense, the natural force we see of orbiting fish in the sea, or birds in the sky and of celestial bodies in outerspace are two examples of this universes fractal each praising The Divine, in their own awareness.

Furthermore, in the Bibles Genesis, 37:9, Joseph says “I had another dream, and this time the sun and moon and eleven stars were bowing down to me.” Likewise, in the Holy Qurans 12th Chapter of Joseph, Joseph says to his father Jacob, “My father, I saw in a dream eleven stars and the Sun and the Moon; I saw them all fallen prostrate before me`. The relationship between that which orbits and that which prays are yet again referenced within the words of God Himself, according to varying religious sources.

So what does this spiritual and physical orbiting spiral around Mecca look like in terms of the Golden Ratio? and again, what significance does this Spiral have to do with Canopus?

While taking a deeper look into this enormous orbiting, man-made, Spiral of faith, one cannot deny that it is indeed a mechanism to connect us, or align us, with the Divine, celestially speaking. Among many archeoastronomists and mathematicians, Gary Meisner, Author at the The Golden Ratio:Phi, 1,618 says `I also found the Mecca’s northern-most border to be at 7,610.91 kilometers from the North Pole and its southern most border to be at 7,645.66 kilometers from the North Pole. This approach would then place the golden ratio point of the Earth poles within the city limits of Mecca`.

The way this can be formulated corresponds directly to the Golden Equation where 1.618 = A+B over A. In this case, A is equal to the longer distance from Earths South Pole to Meccas City border, and B is equal to the shorter distance from the North Pole to Meccas border. Generally speaking, A+B is equal to the sum of the distance from the North to South pole, which according to Google is equal to 20,003.89 km. Subtracting Gary Meisners 7,645.66 km from 20,003.89 km, the distance from Meccas northernmost edge to the South Pole is obtained, in this case 12,358.23km. So, where A=12,358.23 km and B=7,645.66km, then, A+B over A, should equal 1.618. This is excitingly the exact case when using the polar distances from the relative edges of Mecca. In other words, 12,358.23 km + 7,645.66 km, the sum of which is 20,003.89 km, divided by12,358.23 km is equal to 1.618. Otherwise known as Phi, or the Golden Ratio.

Furthermore, the Golden Ratio not only expresses Mecca as the center of the world, proportionally speaking, but also is the underlying abstract geometry behind the Holy Kaaba itself, let alone Mecca. When looking at a French Mandate floorplan of the Holy Kaaba, found on Google, we can also see an interesting series of dimensions, particularly similar to those found in the Fibonacci Sequence; a sequence complimenting the Golden Ratio.

The Fibonacci Sequence goes as follows: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89 and so on, adding the previous to the current number in order to generate the next number. When applying the formula of the Golden Ratio to this sequence, for example, take 55 + 34, which equals 89, and then dividing 89 by 55. The total would equal 1.61818. In this case, that is the exact ratio describing the Golden Proportion.

These Fibonacci numbers each can be observed within the Holy Kaaba. Zero, the first number of the Fibonacci sequence represents Holy Kaaba’s interior emptiness, or Earths Zero Point, or the Point from which Earth grows. The next numbers in the Fibonacci Sequence include: 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55.

To start with, the initial 1 and 1, represent the two separate negative spaces that divide 3 central columns within the Kaaba. So, from Zero, we go into the 1 and 1 negative spaces. Each Space with a width of 2,35m, which then allocate the positive spaces which are the 3 central columns. These columns are then framed by a geometry of 5,5m and 8,4m long interior-walls. The interior walls are then wrapped with an 13.16m long outer wall. The length of the temple does not only consist of the rectangular prism that is the kaaba but also of the Hatem, which apparently used to be a part of the Kaabas collective temple in previous times. The Hatems lenght is 8.46m, which makes the collective length of the Temple 21.62m. Interestingly enough, dividing the temples length of 21.2m by its width of 13.1m, the Golden Ratio, or 1.618 again show up. Furthermore, 21.2 and 13.1, when added create the number 34.4, which rounds down to the 9th position of the Fibonacci sequence.

Finally, on the outermost layer of the Holy Kaaba, 55 metallic brass bolt, or Shazarwaan, are placed and can complement the 10th position in the Fibonacci sequence. There is an obvious sense that the Kaaba itself signifies a proportional Golden Spiral. Because these proportions start from the Poles and make their way into the actual Kaaba, we can make a simple assumption the Earth is an abstract growing spiral, from which its center is the Holy Kaaba. These metallic shazarwaan, or bolts, whether intentional or not, are high-conductors of energy placed in a way to complement and, funnel in, the prayers of an enormous global Spiral through which Sound, Light and Knowledge based vibrational prayers are accumalated, into the Kaaba’s holy emptiness. This collection, or mixture, of Sound, Light, and Knowledge while praying, I like to call consciousness itself. This consciousness is then directed upward, as it is made of vibrational forces, towards something in our cosmos.

In comparing how a fruit grows to how Earth Grows, we can say that because Mecca is the Golden Ratio point of the world, it would be where the stem of a fruit, meets that fruit. Likewise, if Earth is to be compared with a single human being, the the Kaaba would signify as a kind of belly button. Having said that, to which tree is this Fruit called Earth branching from, or better yet, to which placenta, does the umbilical cord, to Mecca connect from? Whereas the stem of a fruit or the umbilical cord of a person transitions life-material to the fruit or to a gestating baby, the Holy Kaaba, must also be sending or receiving a form of divine material or information to and from something.

When asking Google “which star is directly above the Kaaba in Mecca”, astronomically speaking, the answer Canopus appears. In retrospect, when googling what Islam says is directly above the Holy Kaaba, the answer, Another Kaaba, appears. The Prophet Muhammad, Peace Be Upon Him, shares in a Conversation with his Fellowship his description of this other House of God, found in the Hadith Sahih Bukhari, that during the Night Journey to Heaven, or Miraj, that “… I was shown Bait-ul-Mamur (or the Frequented House). I asked Angel Jibreel about it, and he said, This is … where 70,000 angels perform prayers daily, and when they leave, they never return to it”. It used to be common knowledge between Muslims that there is indeed another Kaaba, aligning with our Kaaba, in a way which reconnects us back to the universe, both of whose precise locations are orbited around. According to Islam, angels themselves are made of Light and are said to Prostrate, or in this case, Praise, the one God. Could this description of 70,000 angels imply that Canopus is alone responsible for the creation and orbits of many other celestial bodies in the universe, being that all stars are made of light? In any case, the reference to what is above the Kaaba by both science and religion provide two truths, which I believe, are two sides to the same coin.

Somehow the correlation between Canopus aligning to the major axis of the Holy Kaaba during specific time-frames, such as the Hajj Pilgramage, and all ancient religions highly incorporating Canopus into their daily lives, begins to shed light as to what our higher consciousness is being delivered to and perhaps received from. It was no secret to the ancients, and most, if not all, deity-centered religions, that Canopus reigned over our heavens. Despite that humans are the forgetting species, we can truly blame industrialization for covering our skies and detaching us from our individual identities of this universe. Should we try to remember who we are again, the universe above us is ready to explain. Can this star Canopus, actually be the placenta or branch to which Earth hangs from?


Throughout our entire history, archeoastronomy has played a vital and abstract role in aligning our ancient architecture to our celestial bodies, or to the Divine Himself. Despite that the Semite stories of Cane and Able explain to people abstractly that it was always Cane`s people who took over this Earth, in particular to the creation of civilizations. Many cities originating from the name Cane are observed, not to mention the Canaanite people, whereas Able is represented by the prophets and their families reappearing through time to remind humanity of what we have forgotten pertaining to the presence of God. This can complement the Arabic word for people, which is Insane — a derivative of the word Yansa which translates to the `forgetting species`. Whereas this entire universe knows its place within the orbits of this universe, it is my personal opinion that human beings are the only ones who have been politically manipulated by descendants of Cane in order to forget God, and to control this Earth.

Beginning with the Enlightenment in the late 17th century up until the French Revolution in the mid-18th century, there has been a significant provable history to which the removing of God from a city’s governance, and eventually to where industrial pollution covered our skies, to the point that we cannot see what we are connecting or belonging to.

Ironically speaking, the Prophet says that the End of Days will officially begin, when the Kaaba in Mecca is destroyed. Does this reflect on Earth cutting off its Divine Supply?



Rani Wehbe

Architect, Urbanist, and Archaeoastronomist with a passion for geometry, gardens and God